
Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Writer's Block

Well, I've got some pretty good writer's block going on but I'm determined to keep up with NaBloPoMo, so I've decided when this happens that I'm going to write about one of the several things that Aaron does each day that impresses me. Today, I noticed that Aaron has gotten in the habit of sticking his fingers in his ears when I am rinsing his hair during his bath. He doesn't like water in his ears, so he plugs them up! My boy is a genius!

Now if I can just keep him from drinking the bath water, we might be on to something here.


threeforme said...

That's a good idea for a topic to write about. Usually I pick something that ANNOYS me. Maybe I should be more positive.

Anonymous said...

Positive Smositive. We want the FUNNY, people!

Plus! The Bonus Pictures are working! SWEET!