
Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Lazy Tuesday Afternoon

Look at me spread out on the couch watchin' T.V. like I own the place!

By the way, that shirt? Size 24 months so the belly will not be exposed. Those shorts? Size 12 months so as not to fall off the waist. My kid's a tall, gangly freak!!


Lisa (the girls' moma) said...

Dude! I totally went through Jalyn's closet today and got rid of outgrown clothes. But I kept the 12 month shorts. Just today I put Coley in a pair of shorts that are 18 month! She's almost 4!!!


I think shorts are the freakiest. They can wear them all over again after the whole potty-training thing and there's no diaper in there. There's no length to worry about either.


Double A's Mom said...

Dude. Nice word. Freakiest.