
Monday, March 5, 2007

Just Call Us "Hollywood"

Almost two weeks ago, Bill, Aaron and I finally made it down to L.A. to do some sightseeing. We were really only killing time waiting to check into the hotel Aaron and I were staying at in Burbank the night before we were flying to Missouri. The only thing we really did was drive around with a very poor map to guide us, but I feel that this is the best way to start to get to know a new city - to get yourself somewhat lost.

We started out heading west on Mulholland Drive (having recognized it because I thought it sounded familiar as the name of a movie?). This was a scenic drive through the Santa Monica Mountains and we stopped at a very nice park to take some pictures:

The views from this park were awesome; it looked like you could see the entire city. Did you spot the Hollywood sign behind Aaron in the first picture?

We then turned south onto Coldwater Canyon Blvd and ended up driving through Beverly Hills. No pictures here but just know that those houses did not disappoint. They were awesome!!

From here we reached Sunset Boulevard and headed back east. We didn't stop anywhere but just drove around to get a feel as to where things were at. Here are a couple lame shots through the back window of our car of cool places on Sunset:

Chateau Marmont (famous hotel of the stars; also where John Belushi died)

The Laugh Factory


The Withers Family said...

Am I the only one who is flipped about Aaron on that ledge? Shouldn't he be wearing a helmet or a safety harness?

Double A's Mom said...

He He. That's actually the effect we were going for. We like to freak people out. It didn't actually drop off on the other side like it seemed it did. He was perfectly safe.

Erin said...

Aaron is so looking like a little boy now. All grown up and stuff. Great pictures!