
Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Calm Before the Storm

I took this picture today trying to capture Aaron's new haircut when we stopped for lunch at El Pollo Loco (Awesome name, right? If you don't think so, go grab your Spanish-English dictionary, then get back to me.). After I took the picture, I took the gum container away from him because Daddy had come back to the table with our food and, more importantly, our drinks. Apparently my taking the gum container away was the one thing that was going to cause the end of Aaron's life, because he threw a gigantic fit and what does he do when he throws fits? Knocks things over. This time, it happened to be the cup full of juice that Daddy had brought with no lid on it because his very next move after he sat it down was to fill Aaron's sippy cup with it. As you can imagine, the next few seconds were not pretty. Juice everywhere. Thumps on skulls. "Aaron William!" followed by several expletives. No, not pretty at all.

But his haircut looks nice, right?

1 comment:

mama rose said...

El Pollo Loco is the best! And Aaron William's haircut looks incredible! Such a handsome chap. Hope you all are well.