
Friday, January 18, 2008

And The Transition Begins...

To a big boy bed, that is. First step: big boy pillow. O.K., don't laugh. We're talking tiny steps here, people. My heart can't handle more than that. The boy has never used a big person pillow before. Just wasn't ever one of those things I felt he needed until I actually started thinking about him all grown up and stuff and still sleeping without one. And that's just weird. And probably not good for his spine. So I decided to give him my extremely flat pillow and bought myself a very nice "Down Alternative" pillow at Wal-Mart yesterday. Not really sure what that means, but I know I like down feather pillows minus the end of the feathers poking through and sticking me in the head. But I digress. Look how cute he looked this afternoon during his nap:

And what else could be better than having Optimus Prime lull you to sleep every night? Nothing, I tell you! Transformers rule!!


Pam Francis said...

Optimus Prime rocks!

Lisa (the girls' moma) said...

I remember that pillow-transition with Coley. It was a big deal -- I'm feelin' ya!

The Withers Family said...

HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! Welcome to the world where your kid has opinions and has absolutely unreasonable meltdowns in public (with words). I can't wait for you to have another one so you can go through this glorious heartache again. I just wish that you could see our little ray of sunsine at her latest and greatest!