
Monday, June 4, 2007

They're Here! They're Here!

Click here for the results of the half marathon that I ran on Saturday.

#364? Yeah, that's me. How cool am I?

Oh, and #121, #163, #241, #278, #361, #408, #409 and #494? These are my runnin' buds.

I am so proud to be a part of this group.


Chelle said...

I am crazy proud of you, and excited you 1) finished and 2) finished well! YEA! I hoep you are enjoying the rest, doing some stretching, and giving your body the proteins/carbs it needs to recover. My final advice (aside from good shoes of course)? Don't rush back into working out, your body needs to recoup. Take it easy and start back slowly.

Daisy Chick said...

OMG - does that say you ran for 2 hours straight????? I'm passing out just thinking about that!!! And that is the halfie??? You got a lot more motivation and determination than me! I would be done after 2 miles saying...I need a beer! LOL

Good job girl and keep it up!