
Saturday, June 16, 2007

Oh, So That's What Panic Feels Like....

Today we lost Reagan...for about a half an hour. I decided to go running this morning, so, while I was gone, Bill decided to go out into the front and wash his truck. He took Aaron out with him to "help." At some point, Aaron decided that he needed his Mickey Mouse cheese bites out of the fridge so he went around to the back door to go in and get them and, on the way back, brought Reagan with him. I got back from running, and it was then a case of Bill thinking I had taken Reagan inside when I went in for water and me thinking she was back in our bedroom asleep. Both of us thought that the other knew where she was, when in reality neither of us did. I could tell something was wrong because Bill started whistling for her when he went inside to check on her. You never have to do that. She is always underneath your feet so it is never hard to find her.

From here, the aforementioned panic mode set in. First, I just took off running down the street calling for her. Not too smart, since I essentially left Aaron standing there in the front yard, looking at me funny. So I turned back and put him in the car and drove around the neighborhood a few times, horrible thoughts passing through my head. The desert on one side of our subdivision. The much-traveled road on the other. The people who see her, without a collar, and decide to keep the very cute, already house-trained pug that would cost them a lot of money anywhere else. She has a microchip implanted in her, but do people really go to the trouble to take strays to a vet to see if they have owners first?

Eventually, Bill found her after jumping into his truck and actually asking people in the neighborhood if they had seen her. One of our neighbors down the street saw her wandering around and decided to put her in his house, thinking that a pug really shouldn't be walking around in the 90+ degree heat for very long and that she looked well-fed and cared for, so someone would probably be along very soon asking about her. Bill did and we got our Reagan back.

Most of you will probably balk at this, but some of you may understand what I mean when I say this - Reagan is my first child. I'm not kidding. We have a trip planned this week to San Diego and I was fully ready to skip it in order to be able to look for Reagan day and night until I found her. The panic I experienced today is the frantic, grab-you-by-the-chest-and-squeeze-until-you-can't-breathe-anymore type.

Thank God for helpful neighbors.


Chelle said...

Glad all is well and the pup is safe at home. I would have been scared too. I remember a few nights as a youngster searching frantically for a missing dog. No fun at all!!!!

Jen said...

I know exactly what you felt! My dog, Charger, got out a few years ago!! I can remember thinking all the same thoughts you did! Just about the time I gave up looking for him he strolled back into the yard. It's as if he knew he was in trouble!! Anyways I am so glad you found her!!

Pam Francis said...

Just wait until you lose Aaron at the store for the first time. We lost Lilly at our big Walmart, not fun at all.

But I am glad you found your R-dog; I would have missed her terribly.

Erin said...

I'm right there with ya. No trip is worth leaving a missing puppy. No way.

The Withers Family said...

Good to hear you got her back. Madison thinks it's loads of fun to take off out the front door (gotta break her of this habit before hubby comes home...he won't put up with it). I stopped chasing her and I also started leaving her leash on again. She's so Freakin' fast that you have to be on rocket fuel to catch her.