
Friday, November 2, 2007

Daddy is Crazy

Do you remember that post down there about Aaron and the complete unrolling of a roll of toilet paper? Well, he did that in Daddy's potty. And guess who is using that toilet paper, right off the floor, little by little, until it's gone? Daddy! Why waste perfectly good toilet paper, he says! Whatever!


BigBry said...

There's nothing wrong with that paper. Besides, your butt doesn't know that the paper was on the floor. I am assuming that the potty floor is cleaner than Bill's butt....

Pam Francis said...

Didn't realize Big Bry left a note until now, but I concur. Not about Billy's butt, but about that there's nothing wrong with the paper. However, I would have anal-retentively rolled it back up on the spool, no pun intended.