
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

So When Exactly Does It Start Getting Easier?

Today is the first day of "Operation Turning Three." There are three huge tasks that I wanted to accomplish before Aaron turns three next month. They are:

  1. No more sleeping with a pacifier.
  2. Move to a big, BIG boy bed.
  3. Potty training.
Daddy left today for a conference and will only be gone a few days, so I thought I would take this opportunity to tackle #1 up there. I know what a lot of you are saying to yourselves. "What are you thinking doing this by yourself? Misery loves company, baby! You need to let Daddy feel that pain too!" The fact is, I can't do that to him. I feel too guilty. If Aaron keeps me up all night, the truth is he has to sleep sometime and I can sleep when he does. Daddy has to go to work in the morning, though, no matter how much sleep he got the night before. So call me the best wife in the world, or the dumbest, but I just thought it would be better to do it this way.

So this afternoon I put Aaron down for his nap and it was traumatizing. We have always referred to his pacifier as his "poo" and he kept calling for it and BAWLING. "Poo poo! Poo poo!" I finally went into his room and rubbed his back until he was halfway asleep. He only slept for about an hour and is now awake again and acting like I'm forcing him to go through heroin detox or something.

Pray for me tonight. I'll let you know how it goes.

One hour of fitful poo-less sleep.


Marti said...

Joey still uses his pacifier when he sleeps too. I remember it took Brandon a couple of nights for him to get over it. I've been putting it off with Joey but I know I'll have to work on it soon too! Good luck and let me know how it goes.

Double A's Mom said...

Hi Marti! Thanks for your comment!

The Collegiate Soccer Mod said...

You Can Do IT!!!!! And really - I think that is very nice of you to not want to share the misery with your husband. I am sure he will be grateful in some small way as well. And soemtimes - doing things by yourself is easier than trying to get two people to hold the line at the same time.

Erin said...

Okay, the whole calling his paci "poo"? HILARIOUS. That cracks me up. Anyway, I hope it keeps going okay. I know he acts like it's the end of the world (which, to him, I guess it is) but you know better and he'll be all right. Not much solace when you're dealing with a tired, screaming toddler. Sorry.

Ro said...

We had my son, Brandon, put his pacifiers in a Ziploc baggie and actually throw them in the trash can (luckily it was the day after trash pick-up, so it was completely empty). After that we went directly to the toy store and got him the promised toy - James the train (from the Thomas collection). Brandon was so excited! That night he handed James back to us and told us he wanted his paci back! So much for easy! We did "visit" the pacis in the trash can for a couple of days. We waved bye-bye to them a week later (althought mommy had secretly retrieved them). It was one hard week, and then it was okay for a couple of weeks, then he was good to go. This all happened a few months before he turned three. Hang in there, and good luck! Keep in mind that thousands of mothers out there feel your pain!

And yes, you're a good wife. My husband would appreciate the efforts you're going through to let you husband sleep. I've usually done the same thing.