
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Another Random Thought

U.S. Army General David Petraeus, the commander of American forces in Iraq, has been in the news a lot lately because someone somewhere as finally figured out that the war isn't going so great and now wants to know why.

Petraeus looks and sounds a lot like Patronus, as in the charm from Harry Potter. Am I right?

Hey, I never said all my random thoughts would be intelligent ones.


Daisy Chick said...

I'm not shocked about the random thought...I shocked at the content of the random thought. Mrs. Pro Bush / Texas / Airforce speakign out about the war????? Say it ain't so!!!! LOL Hope Bill doesn't see this. I guess it really was is just him that has to toe the PC line on this though eh? I can imagine some fun Quashnock conversations over dinner and CNN. LOL

Double A's Mom said...

Oh no, honey. I am not Pro Bush in any way, shape, or form. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm the only Quashnock that's a Democrat!

The Withers Family said...

Yes, Staci, I'm pretty sure you really are the only Q that's a Democrat! Even my mother saw the light and went straight in the last couple of years. I think she was a Dem before because she didn't know better.