
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Hello, My Name is Stubborn

No afternoon nap yesterday = frazzled Mommy nerves. Possibility of no afternoon nap again today = certain death for a little boy. But he wasn't going quietly. Oh no. "Silly woman. Get into bed and go to sleep? Riiiigggghhhtttt. I'll show you! Yeah, I'll go to sleep...on the floor."


Daisy Chick said...

LOL - you got a long way to go honey on the stubborn track!!! STAY STRONG!!! Don't worry though - between Tony and me - we are really screwed when we finally have our little ones!!!!

Julia Stewart said...

Sometimes Braden ends up on the floor too... I have no idea how he gets there,why he chooses that or WHY THE HECK he stays!

threeforme said...

That is so hysterical. How do you hold in the giggles when you see something like that?

Organized Chaos said...

I feel your pain...Brooke is trying to give up her nap and she just turned 2 a few days ago! I don't think so...I'm in this fight for the long haul.

Jen said...

Aren't you glad you caught it on camera?

Hey, when are you coming home to CA? Did you have to make any sandbags while you were in Missouri? Hope you're having a great time and getting lots of help with Mr. Cutie Pie Stubborn.

Chelle said...

Have you forgotten your blog? It wants me to tell you that it misses you and feels neglected... :)